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25 Years of Bell Ringing: Dick Walton
Local parishioner Dick Walton has been presented with a Certificate from the Shropshire Association of Church Bellringers to mark 25...

Rememberance Sunday
On Remembrance Sunday - November 11th- our Village bellringers will be ringing the bells at St Chad's from 10 am till the start of the...

Battle's Over. A Nation's Tribute - 11th November 2018
It begins at 6am on November 11 th 2018 with lone pipers playing Battle’s O’er, a traditional tune played after a battle, outside of...

Bellringer Bert rewarded for long service
A notable anniversary was recognised recently when Bert Rathbone was presented with an inscribed Table bell to record his remarkable...

Bell Ringing
New Bellringers Welcome! As readers will see below, we are a small but enthusiastic band who ring typically just for a half-hour each...
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