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Local History Photographic Records
Photographic Records

More Pictures of the Past
The late Bill Taverner kindly provided a number of historical photos. #history

Shropshire Star Historical Photograph
A historical photograph that appeared in The Shropshire Star #history

Mary's Gallery - Historical Photos
Please click here for a gallery of Norton in Hales historical photos #history

1979 School Centenary
1979 School centenary – a photograph now over 30 years old. We wonder how many site visitors will recognise some familiar faces here?...


Short-term Flash Flooding
Freak weather conditions caused short-term flash flooding in Norton in Hales in 2001. A number of homes in the village were affected....

A Whirlwind in 1993
See a newspaper report and pictures of a whirlwind in 1993 #history

Big Snow if 1964
Photos from the “BIG SNOW” of 1964 have been very kindly provided to us by Mrs J Noden, who says in her letter that she lived for many...
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