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The Norton in Hales Parish Council's 2019 'Best Front Garden' Competition Judging - Wedn

The judging of the front gardens in Norton in Hales, Betton and environs took place on Wednesday afternoon, 7 August 2019. The appointed judge this year is Mr Duncan Shough and he was welcomed into the village by Peter Eardley, Chairman of the Parish Council, before they toured the parish to chose the prize winners for 2019. There is no entry form to fill in and all the front gardens are included in the judging. The awards will be made by Duncan Shough at the Parish Council's annual 'Celebration Evening' in the Jubilee Hall planned for Tuesday 1 October at 7.30pm. Here is a selection of photos showing the Chairman welcoming Duncan Shough (left), some important features of the village and a few of the many beautiful gardens in both Norton and Betton.

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