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Norton In Hales wins gold!

On Friday 25th October, Amy Yorke and Ann Holland made their way to Westminster to attend the Britain in Bloom awards evening. Dame Floella Benjamin presented the awards to all entrants. Our village category was one of the first to be announced and we received a Gold award! The category winner was a village from Yorkshire - Green Moor - for whom this was their first time in the finals.

The following day they attended a feedback session in which the judges praised the vounteers for all their hard work over the year and highly commended our community engagement and stunning floral displays. Their feedback included recommendations such as making more of the rich village history, tending to a few distressed trees and the use of additional water butts.

Amy and Ann would like to pass on my thanks to everyone involved, from the regular volunteers, to the bell ringers on the judging day. It would not be possible to achieve such a fantastic result without everyone's input.

If anybody feels inspired to get involved, everyone is welcome, whether you would like to help with the physical work, or help behind the scenes organising events, please either get in contact, or come along to one of our meetings - the next is Thursday 14th November, 7.30pm at The Hinds Head.

Ann and Amy receiving a Gold award on behalf of the village courtesy of the RHS

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