The Village Hall Committee have agreed that the facility needs to be modernised to make it more attractive for organisations or families to use. They have already undertaken a redecoration of the main hall – a BIG THANK YOU to all who helped.
However they do still need volunteers to help redecorate the entrance hall. Later there will be longer term plans to upgrade the kitchen and toilet facilities. There is sufficient funding in place to undertake these tasks – all they need is offers of help or advice from anyone who has some level of DIY experience.
Also, why not be a part of the Committee? The current Members would welcome the support and advice of anyone who feels they could help. The only commitment is (if available) to participate in around 6 committee meetings per year of about 1 hour duration. Please contact Treasurer Sue hackney on her mobile 07812 854965 or e-mail her on if you are able to help in any way.