Norton in Bloom Minutes - June 2022Please take a look at the minutes to come out of the recent In Bloom committee meeting.
Norton In Hales Bowling Club - UpdateThe ‘Official Opening’ of the new clubhouse will be on Sunday 29th May with bowls and refreshments Everyone is welcome members and...
Village Hall ModernisationThe Village Hall Committee have agreed that the facility needs to be modernised to make it more attractive for organisations or families...
Arbour House - Open GardenThe beautiful garden belonging to Steve Caldecott and Fiona Ford at Arbour House, Norton in Hales TF9 4AJ will be open to visitors on...
2022 Best Front Garden CompetitionThis is a great incentive to make the front of your house look amazing and of course, ensure our lovely village remains so attractive....
Parish Council MeetingsThe village community is welcome at all meetings of the Parish Council, either to discuss issues or merely to observe. Meetings are...
Norton in Bloom Minutes - May 2022Please take a look at the minutes to come out of the recent In Bloom committee meeting.